I’m on a Mission!

Click here to view the classic Blues Brothers trailer!mission from God

I taught my first Sunday school class when I was about twelve. I guess my father knew of my love of Bibles stories and thought I could do it. What he couldn’t know is that, at that moment, God called me, too. He gave me a gift to understand the Bible and the ability to relay that information in a way that made sense for people. He made me see just how to apply His word to our everyday situations. I feel like it’s my purpose to change how people view the Bible. Some people think its old, antiquated, and outdated – something that was written by a group of ancient, decrepit men with white beards. A list of do’s and don’ts. But it’s not! It holds the answers to life – your life and mine – right here and now. It’s not just for the past but for the present. It’s real and it can help us. My mission is to lead you to that realization. I began the Word in my Life because I see the Bible’s relevance. It’s my great pleasure to help you to see that the words printed therein are valid for today.

Be blessed,


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