Sigh – but without all the trimmings. I’m following a keto diet this year, so dinner will look a little different for me. Thankfully, I can tweak some dishes so that I can still have some faves. The biggest challenge will be to NOT go for my favorite combo: a slice of ham (treasured family recipe) on a buttered roll, topped with potato salad. Hey – don’t judge! It’s carb heaven and sinfully delicious. But I’ll be skipping the carbs and have ham with broccoli salad, instead, making the best of what I have. This leads me into a subject that has received much attention from me lately: opportunities and adjustments.
This past year, I’ve had the chance to work with some insanely talented people. The opportunity came up when a friend offered me a role in her short film, Seasoned. Three mature women decide that after a lifetime spent serving the needs of others, they would pursue their dream of becoming a singing group. I wasn’t free at the time, being knee-deep in edits for Pale Rider, but God began to deal with me about saying yes to more. A good friend had passed recently, and I lived with the regret of not saying yes to helping him. I thought of Jim Carey in Yes Man and realized that my main excuse – I didn’t have time – was all in my head. I had time to do more things but less inclination to do so.
When my edits came together just in time for me to realize I could help with the project, took that as a sign. I was brought in as a last-minute vocal coach to help polish the ladies’ song. I was on a movie set, y’all! It was an exciting process, and I was thrilled to be included. But that wasn’t the end. Soon after, the movie received the attention of another movie director who thought it would be great as a series. So, guess what? Now, I’m the vocal coach for an upcoming television series with credits on IDMB. All because I said yes to the opportunity. Look at God. Wow.
I’ve learned a lot from watching the filmmaking process. Things don’t always have to fit perfectly. You need to be flexible. I’m a person that’s been rigid for most of my life. A major pet peeve is when my computer freezes. Why can’t we depend on things to do what they’re supposed to do? (I know why Jesus cursed that fig tree! Grrr!) I grind my gears while I wait because it’s so frustrating. Being part of the series has taught me more patience and how to adapt to change in an industry that does so rapidly. I’m much more flexible now which, I think, is part of the reason God guided me to this project.
He needs me to changeable, adaptable so that he can use me. Then, I can hear and obey his voice and not be so stuck in one way, one path to accomplish my goals. When a scene or location didn’t work out for the director, she quickly flipped to a circumstance that would be more accommodating. I’m starting to do the same. My meals have been adapted to the keto lifestyle on the fly, whenever necessary. When the location for my family’s traditional Thanksgiving meal’s changed, I was thankful to have another home to welcome us. These days, I navigate my disappointments gracefully, instead of with angst. I’m coming to believe whatever letdowns I experience are part of God’s will for my life. They usually work out for the best. I’m learning to trust in that instead of getting all worked up when things don’t go my way. And as I do, I can feel his guiding influence. As I say yes to whatever changes come along and adapt.
May God keep you and your families during this holiday season. May you be adaptable to change when life throws you a curveball. I pray that you would be open to possibilities, say yes more often, and be better for the experience. I hope He gives you peace and fills you with His joy. May you celebrate and break bread with your loved ones, despite any obstacle presented. Happy Thanksgiving.
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends,
Father in heaven, we thank Thee. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Be blessed,
p.s. You can watch the short movie, Seasoned, here. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements regarding the series. Here’s a preview. You can listen to the theme song, too!
As promised, the Touched series is receiving a facelift! New covers and a new series name are already available on Amazon. YAY! Check them out!
The audible version of Touched will be available soon. And keep a lookout for the story of Ari’s parents. I look forward to sharing that with you soon.
Very encouraging word!!! So many times we try to write the story of our life and get frustrated when it doesn’t go as we planned. God already had His plan for our lives and we need to say yes to it.
Yes and amen! Definitely less frustrating (and sometimes a lot more fun) to say yes and watch His plan unfold. Along the way we find out how much we mean to Him and get a glimpse of the great things He has in store for us.