Dream Girl

97783352d77225c4b0e06ce8b98c0fdd“I am chan-yang-yang-yanging!” Effie White, Dream Girls

“…be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2

“It’s time for that new year, new you, B.S.,” said my coworker with a cynical sneer. It was the assertion of someone who had tried and likely, failed in her various efforts. How sad, thought the eternal optimist in me. While a new year cannot magically give you the impetus to suddenly leave off doing certainly behaviors, it certainly is a great place to be inspired enough to try.

I found encouragement this morning in a song from Dream Girls, I Am Changing. I’m of an age where I can recall the original version, but both Jennifers did it justice. Usually, the resolution that most people make at this time of year is to lose weight. I find it noteworthy that these women were able to make a huge change in their dietary habits to become the person they’ve always dreamed of becoming. They started out as big girls and then empowered themselves to change. They are shining examples of what we can do, with our weight and otherwise, if we just persevere. We can do it! This is our year! We can go the distance! If this song doesn’t motivate you, I don’t know what will. For me, it did the trick.


I am changing, trying every way I can.
I am changing, I’ll be better than I am.
I’m trying to find a way to understand.
But I need you, I need you, I need a hand.
I am changing, seeing everything so clear.
I am changing, I’m gonna start right now, right here.
I’m hoping to work it out and I know that I can.
But I need you, I need a hand.
All of my life, I’ve been a fool.
Who said I can do it all alone?
How many good friends have I already lost?
And how many dark nights have I known?
Walking down that wrong road, there was nothing I could find.
All those years of darkness can make a person blind.
But now I can see…
I am changing, trying every way I can.
I am changing, I’ll be better than I am.
But I need a friend, to help me start all over again.
Oh, That would be just fine.
I know it’s gonna work out this time.
Cuz this time I am, this time…I…am


I am changing, I’ll get my life together now.
I am changing, yes, I know how.
I’m gonna start again.
I’m gonna leave my past behind.
I’ll change my life.
I’ll make a vow.
Nothings gonna stop me now…

Let this song inspire you, as it did me, to become that person of our dreams and the best version of ourselves. Let it become our anthem when we suffer setbacks and disappointments. Let it become a constant source of encouragement when a voice tries to tell us differently. Let us shout it with a deafening roar, if we must, and drown out the voices that would remind us of the times we’ve failed because it only takes ONE TIME to succeed. Let us drill it into our minds until we instill it in our hearts and this new year is a great place to start. Now is as good a time as any other. Lord, renew our minds with purpose, help us to recommit and rededicate ourselves to our cause. Let us open wide our mouths and sing loud with our tonsils showing: I AM CHANGING!
Be blessed,

2 Replies to “Dream Girl”

  1. When the inner is focused on change the outer,has to follow the commands.Give GOD a picture of what you really want,his desire is for a NEW creature.

    1. Yes George! I’m creating a picture in my mind, visualizing as I am becoming. God is working on me from the inside, producing a change on the outside!

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